The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Churches

1. The Churches in Revelation

Verses: Rev. 1:1-6, 10-20

  1. Revelation is a book revealing the future, also in regard to the churches

a. Revelation 2 -3 reveal the history of the church of God until the return of the Lord based on the letters to the 7 churches
b. Revelation 12 and 14 show us the harvest (rapture) of the mature believers
c. Revelation 17 18 reveal the development of a religious system out of the churches
d. Thus Revelation shows the way for the church through all ages.

  1. Revelation 1-3 show us the pattern for the churches, local, independent of each other and under the headship of Christ (7 localities, 7 churches, 7 golden lampstands, Christ speaking to each church and every church responsible before him)
  2. What is the case if not all believers stand as a local church?

a. The book of Revelation was written to 7 churches in Asia Minor (Rev. 1:11)
b. However it is valid for all Christians through all ages. All scripture is God-breathed and profitable for instruction…(2 Tim. 3: 15-17).
c. Christ speaks to all conditions and expressions of the church (Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea)
d. The harvest (Rev. 12, 14) concerns all believers
e. All believers must hear what the Lord is speaking to them and overcome

  1. Why doesn’t the Lord instruct us clearly to stand as a local church?

a. In the history of the people of Israel the people experienced a division with the northern kingdom and Juda being from God
b. Divisions are a means of God to contain damage (2 Chron. 10:1-11:4; 1 Kings 12). However God sent prophets both to Juda and Israel (the northern kingdom) It was possible to serve God in both kingdoms.
c. There must be factions among you, that they that are approved may be made manifest (1 Cor. 11:18-19)
d. The emphasis in Revelation is on the testimony, the reality
e. Even among so many local churches we see the tendency regarding human rulership

  1. What is then the advantage of standing as a local church?

a. If God shows us that this is the pattern for the churches, we must obey Him
b. Keeping God’s pattern is for our best (just as the Jews had an advantage of being Jews. Rom. 3:1-2)
c. During the division of the people of Israel in the northern and southern kingdoms it was easier to worship God according to his word in Juda. In the same way keeping God’s pattern in respect to the church makes it easier to server Him according to His Word.
d. When asked which way of worship is right Jesus answered that the true worship must be in spirit and in truth (Joh. 4: 19-24)

  1. Divisions are clearly condemned by God. However they will remain until Christ’s return. We must overcome by faithfully following the Lord’s speaking to us and holding fast the oneness of the Spirit.


3. The Harlot and the Bride

Verses: Gen. 11:1-7; Rev. 17: 1-6 ; 19:6-9

  1. Revelation shows us the final result of God’s work and the religious system
  2. Revelation shows us the development of the church to a Babylonian system
  3. What are the characteristics of Babylon (Gen. 11:1-7)?

a. To make a name for themselves
b. Confusion of language
c. Division and scattering

  1. The development in the 7 epistles to the churches

a. Forsaking the first love (Ephesus)
b. The works and teachings of the Nicolaitans (Ephesus and Pergamon)
c. Marriage to the world (Pergamon)
d. The Babylonian system (Thyatira)

  1. The great Babylon in Revelation 17-18

a. The harlot riding on the beast
b. She is drunk with the blood of saints
c. Outwardly gold, inwardly abominations

  1. The bride in Revelation 19

a. The bride of the lamb
b. Dressed in white clothes – the righteous acts of the saints

  1. Who belongs to Babylon and who to the bride?

a. As a Christian you either belong to Babylon or to the bride.
b. The Babylonian system comprises not only the mother of harlots, but also all the daughters. The characteristics of Babylon can also be found in the daughters.
c. Not a church membership defines where you are, but the question if you are overcoming.